The Ski Resort (Original) is a fictional setting within the Rocky Mountains that made its debut in the original Vigilante 8. The Resort is a mountainous and snow-covered plain located in a presumably isolated part of Colorado. The area is rather vast in area compared to the other stages, so exploration and knowledge of the area is key to survival. The area includes structures such as A large ski lodge with neighboring cabins, event flags for what looks to be a skiing competition, snow blowers, hang gliders, a parking lot behind the lodge and a vast amount of evergreen trees placed throughout the stage. The most prevalent hazard to the stage is a giant avalanche that will occur if the player chooses to destroy a fixed amount of evergreen trees in one area.
- Shooting down a pair of trees (only the larger ones count) on either side of the level will cause an avalanche which can do great damage to enemies (or yourself) that are in the way.
- When the Gondola is parked on any of its station, the player/s can ride it and earn weapons, power ups, and special weapons if they survive the whole trip.
- While not officially stated, The Ski Resort stage, in part, is the only stage to appear in all three Vigilante 8 titles, with the stage Winter Games in Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense only being an eerily similar version of the original level.
- This level, as well as the Casino City level in the original game, minus the Sand Factory and Secret Base, are the only levels where a final boss battle does not take place.