The Secret Base is a stage that made its debut in the original Vigilante 8. Inspired by a popular area known as Area 51, Secret Base is a stage that parodies what conspiracy theorists believe to be located within the confines of the restricted area. The stage is complete with aircraft hangars, satellites, fighter jets, a water tower and a large building which can be deduced as the main headquarters. Hazards in the area include laser cannons, which fire at the player when nearing a prohibited, yet accessible, area.
- If the player shoots off the security ladder holding the fighter jets in place, the jets will proceed to take off on the runway on their own.
- Located in an undisclosed location in the stage is a prohibited area guarded by laser towers. Avoiding the lasers, the player can easily shoot down the gate guarding access to this area, in which the player can find an assortment of buildings containing Special Weapon Crates, Wrenches and Power-Ups.
- Inside one of the hangars beside the runway, there is an alien aircraft (resembling the Luxo Saucer driven by Y the Alien). If the player destroys it, he will be awarded with Power-ups, a Special Weapon Crate and more ammo for one of the standard weapons that he already has.
- At the area where you find three antennas, if you drive through that large building, you will activate one of the missile silos, the one right to your front, where a red and green light will be shown. Drive around the silo clockwise until you pass above the light and both will turn into green and a missile is launched at your targeted enemy. However, you need at least one antenna intact, or the trick will not work.
- The satellites will rotate frequently during the battle. If you fire any homing weapon beside the satellite while they are rotating, it will turn against your own vehicle. This also affects the missiles, so you must be careful when firing weapons or lauching a missile from the silo or your vehicle will receive the damage from them, instead of your enemies.
- This stage is unlocked by completing Quest Mode With Convoy and Sid Burn.